Unit 3: Fiscal Policy
Changes in the expenditures or tax revenues of the federal government 2 tools of fiscal policy Taxes: government can increase or decrease taxes Spending: government can increase or decrease If government increase taxes then they decrease spending and vice versa depending on if recession or not. If in recession then spend money Fiscal policy is enacted to promote our nation's economic goals: full employment, price stability, economy grown Deficits, Surplus, and Debt Balanced budget Revenues = expenditures Budget deficit Revenues < Expenditures Budget Surplus Revenues > Expenditures Government Debt Sum of all deficits - Sum of all surpluses Government must borrow money when it runs a budget deficit Government borrows from Individuals (taxes) Corporations (taxes) Financial institutions foreign entities or foreign governments Fiscal Policy Two Options Discretionary Fiscal Policy (ACTION) Expansionary Fiscal Policy - think defi...