Unit 1 : PPG Graphs

Trade-offs : alternative chooses that people face while making an economical decision

Opportunity Cost : the most desirable alternative giving b making a decision.

PPG- Production Possibilities Graph : show  alternative ways to use resources

PPC - Curve

Image result for economic ppg graphPPF- frontier   

Inside of the curve - under-utilization , unemployment , recession, underemployment   

On the curve - Point A- E ; efficient & Attainable

Outside of the curve - Point G

  • Economic growth
  • technology         
      3 type of movement of the PPC   
  1. Inside the PPC     
  2. Along the PPC
  3. Shifts of the PPC
Key Assumptions       
  1. 2 goods are produce 
  2. Fixed resources
  3. Fixed technology 
  4. Full employment 
  • Full employment  
     4 to 5% unemployment 
     90% factory capacity 
       5. No international trades 


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