Unit 4 : Money

Uses of money
  •  Medium of exchange 
    • Serve to trade on product for another. 
  • Unit of Account 
    •  Establish economical worth.
  • Store of value 
    • Money holds its value over a period of time where products may not.
Type of Money
  • Representative Money 
    • Paper money that is backed by something tangible that gives it values 
    • EX: IOU
  • Commodity Money 
    • Gets its value from the taste of materialized from which it is made 
    • EX: Gold , Sliver 
  • Flat Money 
    • It is money because the government say so. 
Characteristics of money 
  • Durability 
    • Is money durable? Yes 
  • Portability
    • You can carry money in different places  
  • Divisibility
    • Money can be broken down in many ways
  • Acceptability
    • Money is accepted anywhere 
  • Uniformity
    • Scarcity and limited supply
  • Money supply 
    • M1 
    • Liquidity: easily convert to cash 
      • Currency(coins & cash )
      • Checkable deposits/Demand accounts/Checking Account  
      • Traveler's check
    • M2 
      • Consists of M1 money, saving accounts , money markets account.
      • Meant to save not sale     
    • M3
      • M2 + Certificate of deposits 
Balance sheet  
  • Summarizes the financial position at a certain time
  • The value of assets must equal liability 
  • Assets 
    • (RR) Required Reserves 
    • (ER) Excess Reserves 
    • Bonds 
    • Loans 
    • Property 
  • Liability 
    • Demand Deposits 
    • Owners's Equity
      • Based upon stocks( what you invested in)
    • Net worth 
      • Based upon what you done in a society ( what you earned )
Money creation 
  • Putting new money into circulation 
  1. Fed buy bonds from the public or from a financial institution - Known as (OMO) Open market operation
  2. Banks make loans to the public 
    • Money supply increase when banks make loans
    • The more loans banks make the more money in circulation
    • A bank can loan any amount that is excess to it regular reserves 
    • The banking system can create loans in multiple of original loan 
  • Reserves or Total reserves 
    • Are the amount of deposit that a bank accepted but cant loan out 
  • Required Reserves 
    • Are the amount a bank must keep on hand by law
    • Required reserves ratio (RRR) - determined this amount 
Functions of the Fed 
  • Issues paper currency 
  • Set reserve requirements and holds reserve of banks
  • Lends money to banks and charges them interest
  • Check clearing service for banks 
  • Acts as personal bank for the government 
  • Supervises member banks
  • Controls the money supply in the economy 
3 types of multiple deposit expansion question 
  1. Calculate the initial change in excess reserves (aka the amount a single bank can ban from the initial deposit )
  2. Calculate the change in loans in the banking system 
  3. Calculate the change in the money supply sometimes type 2 type 3 will have the same results (i.e No Fed involvement )
  4. Calculate the change in Demand deposit (DD)


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